The third commitment of our positive impact strategy is focused on “Run sustainable operations”.
This involves reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, limiting other environmental impacts and improving practices in our supply chain.

Decarbonize our activities

LACROIX’s carbon footprint was 3,57 Mt Co2e in 2023.
This footprint is linked to our energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and waste with:

  • 19 sites, including 14 industrial sites (nearly 100,000 m2 of buildings)​
  • 34 GWH of energy consumed in 2023 
  • 2,300 tons of waste produced in 2023 

In March 2023, we committed to Science Based Targets (SBTi), an organization that helps companies set greenhouse gas emission reduction targets based on science and aligned with climate objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Our targets for 2030:
GHG emissions scopes 1 & 2 : – 42% (vs 2021)​
GHG emissions scopes 3 : currently being defined and validated by SBTi


Reduce our environmental impact

The Sustainable Mobility Plan promotes public transport, carpooling and cycling on 100% of sites.

LACROIX has set up Eco-flux Diagnostics (Energy, Water, Raw Materials, Waste) from ADEME & BPI. This is currently ongoing at our 4 industrial sites in France, and will be deployed at all our international industrial sites by 2024.

In this way, we take action to:

  • Reduce and better recycle our waste
  • Limit our water consumption
  • Avoid pollution and preserve biodiversity

The 2030 target: 2 kg of waste per €1,000 of revenue, compared with 2.8 kg in 2022.


Commit to responsible purchasing

LACROIX held its first CSR Suppliers’ Day with its international suppliers in October 2024.
It is now important for our suppliers and partners to be involved with us, in particular through:

  • Signing the Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Participation in the CSR Assessment Questionnaire
  • Using the CSR Getting Started Guide

Our target for 2025 is to identify 75% of our purchase volume by a CSR assessment.




The main challenges of our Responsible Purchasing policy are Eco-design, decarbonation, logistics & packaging and social & governance issues.

These challenges concern the production purchases, mainly the families of electronic components, PCB and metal plastic. In order to adjust our practices, we conduct an annual CSR assessment of our suppliers.

Non-production purchasing mainly concern energy, buildings, information technology, vehicles, external services, small equipment and supplies. Working groups have been set up to improve our practices on green materials, packaging, logistics, etc.


We are also involved in the purchasing of renewable energy:

The aim is to achieve 100% renewable energy purchasing by 2030 in France
via the Estuaire Energies cooperative.

Investigations are underway at our two largest sites in Poland and Tunisia.


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