The fourth commitment of our positive impact strategy is “Commit to our people and act locally”:
fostering care and share, empowering our people, promoting equity & diversity and committing to our territories.

Quality of life at LACROIX

LACROIX participated to the survey Great Place To Work, the benchmark label for quality of life at work.

A 360° assessment was carried out on criteria of respect, equity, compensation, training and diversity, as well as an audit of the company’s managerial practices.

Since 2023, all LACROIX sites have been assessed to lead a continuous improvement process towards our commitment. 28% of our sites have been awarded the label, this represents 5 sites out of 18.

By 2030, our aim is to obtain the Great Place To Work label for all our sites:
a real challenge for industry.


Gender diversity in management

At LACROIX, women represent 53% of the workforce by 2022, yet only 26% will hold managerial positions. With the aim of changing our organization and encouraging female representation at executive and management levels, we have created an internal Women at LACROIX network.

Our goal for 2030 is to achieve 40% female representation among our managers.

We have also joined the Elles bougent network to encourage young women studying to explore scientific and technical careers, in order to promote gender diversity in the industrial and technological sectors.

We are also committed to combating ordinary sexism in the workplace by joining the #StOpE initiative.


Committed Site Initiative

The “Committed Site Initiative” has been set up at each LACROIX sites to sustain existing initiatives and meet team expectations.

A CSR committee creates a charter with actions on all CSR topics: energy, waste, food, mobility, working conditions, etc.

Now, LACROIX has 14 committed sites and over 100 referral staff.

For example, we take action:

  • At our Kwidzyn site in Poland, with the “School Close To Work” program in partnership with schools, local authorities and training organizations to promote our professions.
  • In Zriba, Tunisia, we support the children’s garden and crèche located next to the LACROIX plant.
  • In Rennes, France, we are also partner of the school IA Microsoft, a school dedicated to Artificial Intelligence on the initiative of Microsoft and Simplon.


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